PK-20 Educators

The Center for STEM Education supports STEM educators from kindergarten through graduate education. Programming supports development of professionals to develop knowledge and skills, learn what’s new in the field, extend expertise as fields and practices change, career growth, and STEM education leadership development. Our goal is to provide transformative experiences to support STEM teaching and leadership to address global challenges and to promote equitable access to STEM education programming.
Check out our current programs to see which fits your professional goals. Center staff are also available to develop professional developpment opportunities for teams, schools, districts, community organizations, and other STEM education groups.
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: UNC Charlotte Teacher Quality Partnership participants will have the opportunity to 1) gain dual (initial) licensure in both a high-needs content area (mathematics, science, English language arts, Career and Technical Education, or foreign language) and a K-12 license to teach English as a second language, and 2) complete a master’s (advanced license) degree in less than 18 months. Upon completion of the initial licensure residency program (Phase I), candidates then complete additional online coursework (Phase II) to complete the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) with a concentration in one of the required focus areas (mathematics, science, English language arts, Career and Technical Education, or foreign language).
To maximize convenience and affordability, while still adhering to a practice-based approach to teacher preparation, the program offers a 100% online approach that includes a combination of online instruction with meaningful clinical experiences in K-12 classrooms.